
CAMS Srl, in its daily operations, contributes to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, defined as "Development meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (1987-Brundtland Report)» by declining its way of operating in "BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY"». This term is used to define the set of company policies that allow CAMS Srl to pursue a virtuous combination of the three dimensions (economic, social, environmental) of sustainable development.

Thanks to sustainability, it has been possible to integrate, environmental and social considerations into the strategy, processes and products manufactured by CAMS Srl with the aim of contributing to SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS defined as "... the creation of long-term value for the benefit of shareholders,, taking into account the interests of other stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, local community, …) relevant to the Company…».

In order to operationalise and publicise this entrepreneurial and social commitment, CAMS Srl has prepared the first "Non-Financial Reporting" (so called. Non-Financial Declaration-NFD) for the financial year 2022, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2014/95/EU transposed by Legislative Decree. 254/2016 and in compliance with the sustainability indicators established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards) for reporting on aspects related to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of an organisation. It has also prepared the NFD to include quantitative performance indicators (KPIs) in accordance with the European Regulation [Reg. (EU) 2020/852] for the European Taxonomy, a prerequisite for planning future investments for environmentally sustainable activities.

CAMS Srl constantly maintains a high awareness of the importance relating to the challenges posed by the issues of sustainable development, environmental protection, the ability to meet the needs of customers, and the enhancement of the people working in its organisation. The Non-Financial Reporting therefore formalises the commitment to the process of integrating sustainability as a transversal dimension to the strategic approach of CAMS Srl that has in its (Sustainable Business Model) the tool to guide the creation of value for all stakeholders.

