
CAMS has adopted rules and management procedures to implement their Company Policy aimed at a continuous creation of value for the customer..

These rules and procedures guarantee TECHNICAL CONFORMITY

  • Quality (ISO 9001:2015)
  • Environment (ISO 14001:2015)
  • Security (ISO 45001:2018)
  • Business continuity (ISO 22301:2019)
ISO 9001 DNV GL Certification Mark
ISO 14001 DNV GL Certification Mark
ISO 9001 DNV GL Certification Mark
Attestato sostenibilità energetica
Codice etico


  • Consolidated Act on Health and Safety (Legislative Decree 81/2008)
  • Consolidated Act on Environmental Protection (Legislative Decree 152/2006)
  • Administrative liability (Legislative Decree 231/2001)
  • Protezione dei dati personali(Legislative Decree 196/2003 -Reg.(EU) n.679/2016)
  • Protection of confidential commercial information (EU Reg 2016/943 – Legislative Decree. 63/2018)
  • Protezione delle persone che segnalano violazioni del diritto dell’Unione e delle disposizioni normative nazionali (Direttiva 2019/1937/UE – D.Lgs. 24/2023)


In order to increase customer satisfaction, la Cams ha climatizzato l’intera area produttiva dotandola di impianti di filtrazione delle nebbie oleose e dispone di una sala metrologica equipaggiata con la migliore strumentazione per garantire prestazioni ottimali nelle misurazioni di precisione.

Appropriate controls on the incoming material, on the production process and on the final product ensure quality in all areas of the company, therefore UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification is nothing other than a natural consequence..

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